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Writer's pictureAmber Furlong

Tugun Surf Club

Although it seems a little odd to write such a positive review of a place that essentially isn't wheelchair accessible at all - but they are working on it and it was honestly thanks to the staff the most lovely and inclusive experience I've had.

After travelling almost 2hrs down to John Flynn Hospital to see my GI specialist, the smell of the beach drew me and I just needed to get as close as possible...and as it was lunchtime, ideally get some fish and chips.

We found ample free accessible parking right near the beach, with conveniently located and smooth gradient cut outs.

The view is absolutely stunning and although I couldn't access the beach the paths are concrete and run just adjacent for miles.

I spotted Tugun Surf club and we headed over knowing they would likely be the most accessible option and ideally have Gluten Free Fish and Chips. We where however greeted with a step - we only saw the one at that stage.

There was a lovely girl painting who I asked if there was any other way in or a ramp perhaps. She said she'd get someone to help us...... then we met Ray who was the loveliest, most obliging and apologetic person I've ever met. He explained they had more stairs inside and had applied for grants from everywhere for a ramp and stair lift but presently to no avail. He did ask if we'd come for lunch - and quickly offered to set up our very own table in the park - with Oceanside view.

It was an absolutely beautiful lunch too - grilled barramundi and GF chips. They even made foil trays/placemats for table.

Tugun Surf Club are a true testimony to people that truly believe in inclusiveness- and goes to show if you just ask you never know what you may get.

For more information on the Club and directions visit their website at:

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